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Who Actually Needs An Asbestos Survey?

asbestos survey

Asbestos is a naturally occurring mineral that can occur in commercial or residential properties. There are certain environmental conditions that lead to the origination and growth of this mineral. A few common areas where you can find it are AIB partition walls, loose-fill insulation, Sprayed coatings, and you can find multiple other spaces.

It is crucial to check the origination and spread of this carcinogenic mineral as it is not safe for inhalation and might prove fatal. So, if you see any growth of this mineral near you, it is better to call the experts for an asbestos survey Colchester. If the team reports the asbestos growth, you should take the necessary steps to curb the spread. If you live or work in a space that is more prone to this mineral, ensure getting periodic surveys to enjoy a safer and hygienic environment.

Who Needs An Asbestos Survey?

If you are wondering whether you need to go for the asbestos surveys, see if you fall into the category of people listed below.


The mineral grows in old buildings that are damp or have an age-old construction. As per the latest reports, a surprising percentage of hospitals have asbestos growing in the building. It occurs in closed places like the staircase, lifts or wards that get isolated for specific purposes.


Companies with large warehouses to store their products are also the ones that need regular asbestos surveys. The ventilation in the warehouses is poor, and if you do not pay attention, asbestos will make it dangerous to even breathe in this space.

Care Homes

Care homes that lack enough funds miss out on much-needed structural upgrades. Furthermore, if the managing authorities are not paying attention to cleaning, that can also trigger the growth of asbestos. Thus, these places are more prone to mineral growth and need immediate attention to ensure the people in that space remain safe.


In residential properties, outhouses are more prone to asbestos growth. It is because we often store things that we do not need in this area and do not pay much attention to cleaning. The dampness occurring with the season change and other factors keep building the mineral in closed corners, making the place unfit for people and even for things. So, if you have an outhouse storing your extra stuff, you must consider getting the survey.

Roofs And Yards

Another space in residential properties where this deadly mineral can grow is the roofs or the yards. It happens due to negligence about cleaning as you might have cleaned the house well but ignored the roofs altogether! So, it is vital to call experts for an asbestos survey Colchester and ask them to see if you need to do any remedial actions.

These are a few areas where you need to get the asbestos survey done more frequently. Look for an expert team with an excellent market reputation to do the surveys. If the report suggests the growth of this mineral, you should take the necessary steps to curb the spread and ensure safer and hygienic surroundings around you.

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